The Arturo Fuente Reserva Añejo Limitada Shark No. 77 is a cigar that stands out not just for its distinctive taste but also for its unique shape. Known among enthusiasts as the "Shark," this cigar is recognized for its transition from a round to a square shape, a design that has be
The Arturo Fuente Reserva Añejo Limitada Shark No. 77 is a cigar that stands out not just for its distinctive taste but also for its unique shape. Known among enthusiasts as the "Shark," this cigar is recognized for its transition from a round to a square shape, a design that has be
The Art and Craft of Humidors: A Guide to Selecting the Perfect Cigar Companion
For aficionados of fine cigars, the humidor is not just a storage box but a sacred container that preserves the cigar's soul. It's an essential accessory for any serious smoker, and finding the right one is a